Monthly Updated US ETF Scores

ETF Factor Scores through October, 2024

Ticker Fund Name Fund Score Mkt Beta Score Small Factor Score Value Factor Score Profitability Factor Score Investment Factor Score Momentum Factor Score Alpha % Factor Beta % (backtested simulation) Fund Sharpe / Market Sharpe (backtested simulation) Fund Sharpe / Market Sharpe (fund lifetime, actual) Analysis Period Start Date Score Quality (Adj. R^2) Relative Dividend Valuation (100 = median)
DGRO iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF 100 84.28 No Score 19.56 90.49 100 No Score -0.41 2.21 1.33 1.03 10.33Y 124M 2014-Jul 0.95 105.11
VIOG Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF 95.92 92.60 93.55 12.37 62.87 No Score 63.36 -0.42 3.04 1.20 0.68 14.08Y 169M 2010-Oct 0.96 88.96
VIOO Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 ETF 94.95 92.77 94.61 36.95 56.71 No Score 24.45 -0.24 3.12 1.19 0.63 14.08Y 169M 2010-Oct 0.98 101.07
VTV Vanguard Value ETF 93.26 87.39 No Score 48.49 No Score 85.94 No Score -0.42 1.48 1.17 0.89 20.75Y 249M 2004-Feb 0.96 112.74
SLYV SPDR S&P 600 Small Cap Value ETF 88.15 92.60 85.98 63.19 100 51.29 No Score -0.97 3.71 1.11 1.04 24.00Y 288M 2000-Nov 0.96 109.73
DFSV Dimensional US Small Cap Value ETF 87.69 94.42 77.64 99.23 85.30 No Score No Score 1.13 3.01 1.10 0.40 2.67Y 32M 2022-Mar 0.98 112.16
VIOV Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 Value ETF 87.47 93.65 95.40 58.84 45.13 No Score No Score -0.16 2.89 1.10 0.55 14.08Y 169M 2010-Oct 0.98 74.25
AVUV Avantis U.S. Small Cap Value ETF 85.97 100 89.02 100 92.67 No Score No Score 1.67 3.70 1.08 0.67 5.08Y 61M 2019-Oct 0.98 109.42
RDVI FT Vest Rising Dividend Achievers Target Income ETF 84.44 89.72 No Score 74.91 No Score No Score No Score -0.37 1.21 1.06 0.60 2.00Y 24M 2022-Nov 0.95 106.22
VBR Vanguard Small Cap Value ETF 84.25 95.57 63.70 54.95 42.56 No Score No Score -0.46 2.36 1.06 0.69 20.75Y 249M 2004-Feb 0.98 98.74
IMCV iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap Value ETF 82.81 93.46 25.51 57.76 49.11 78.65 No Score -0.57 1.92 1.04 0.73 20.25Y 243M 2004-Aug 0.96 104.67
DFUV Dimensional US Marketwide Value ETF 82.72 85.88 22.61 56.74 No Score No Score No Score -0.71 2.66 1.04 0.38 2.42Y 29M 2022-Jun 0.97 114.46
FYC First Trust Small Cap Growth AlphaDEX Fund 81.90 99.68 100 No Score No Score No Score 100 -1.24 2.86 1.03 0.56 13.50Y 162M 2011-May 0.96 40.14

Table Guide

Filter steps / Column Guide 

  1. 3383 us-listed ETF fund universe
  2. 1991 surviving funds (up from 1982 funds in August) with at least 24 months of total return data
  3. $100M+ AUM
  4. Score Quality (regression R-squared) greater than 0.95
  5. market beta between 0.75 and 1.25
  6. Fund Sharpe / Market Sharpe (backtested simulation) greater than 1.0 (risk-adjusted returns superior to market)
  7. Yielding at least 0.5% as a proxy for directly-held equities
  8. Backtested Factor Beta % contribution equal to at least 100 bps to ensure expected long-term factor capture is meaningful
  9. Not more than 15% overvalued on the basis of historical relative dividend yield
 Please contact us with questions or if you’d like to see the code backing this analysis.

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